Monday, October 6, 2008

videos i watch at 5:30 in the morning the very first one I watch no work no glory patience work before glory

I have known about these commericials for about a year now and watched them on occasion but starting about two weeks ago I woke up and put one on because I was waiting for my roommate and it just really motivated me because I know this is what it takes to be the best. So now every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday morning when I wake up early to run hills or go to the weight room I watch all of these video's to motivate me but also to reflect on what I have already done, and to look forward to what I dream of in the future. The video's sum it up the best in that the early workouts are necessary, that working hard is an all day event and applies to every nuance of our lives. Patience is required throughout the struggles whether it be the workout itself of just getting up to be there on time, we all must perservere and continue to reach for whatever it is we want; that there is no glory to those who only dream and wish, you must get up and earn your keep because champions are defined by what they do when nobody is around to see them. Finally, if this is what you love to do, if this is what you were born to do- then you will become what you already know you are. Endurance and faith in myself, as well as knowing what is within me allows me to do what is I am doing, what I was made to do.

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