Sunday, October 5, 2008


For the past week I been dealing with this sickness that just keeps lingering. It started last Sunday night when I slept over my friends house and woke up sweating as if I had just ran practice. I flet like my temperature was defineitly around 1000 degrees even though the air conditioner was on blasting that night. So I got up and went to go lower the temperature even further to around 55 thinking that everyone must have been hot in my daze. . .wrong. Now come to think about it I was definetly hallucinating that night because I couldn' fall asleep and kept thnking about weird things, my brain must have been boiling at that point so I splashed some water on my face and body and went back to bed. About and hour later I woke up again chilly and cold but not in the way that I would normally feel from the air conditioner because I had blankets wrapped around me. I thought then that I might have a fever so I woke up my friend and asked for some advil, that helped out alot for the rest of the night and day until I got to practice and just wanted to sleep, then the headaches started coming back while I was doing bounding drills with the jumpers. I felt so drained and while drilling in the longjump pit I had to watch ever out jump me, people who normally wouldn't and that bugs me. That night though I just went home without doing any treatment after practice or going to study table and slept. Later on my friend brought me some Orange Juice and Swedish fish and that helped some more but its been lingering on since.

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