Monday, October 20, 2008

Sugar Junkie

I have been here for a little over a month and a half now and I have gotten the chance to experience many things that I would not have, had I stayed back home in New York. Something that I will always remember about just being in Maryland is the difference in music. I guess back home I was so closed off to other types and variations to what I perferred because I liked my music so much. I am mainly an R&B guy with a specific rap selection: Lupe Fiasco, Common, Ludacris just to name a few. I was sceptacle of groups such as N.E.R.D that put a twist on the original and mundane style of hip- hop music because their sound was different from anything else I had listened to. As I listened to them more often I began to like it. When I came here I came across what Maryland people call Go-Go music, something my roommate equivilated to violent vomitting. I thought I would be turned off to Maryland music from that point on. However, a week ago from today my a senior teammate of mine told me of this band he was in called 'Sugar Junkie'. He said it was similar to N.E.R.D, which I liked but I was still unsure because he is from Maryland, home of Go-Go music. Anyway I decided to Santa Fe last Monday night where they were playing. I sat through two acts before my teammates band performed. One was almost too amateur to believe and the other was not only boring but prolonged to the extent that people bagan to 'boo'. I felt that the night would end that way and I had wasted five dollars, but the wait and the money was WELL worth it. From the moment my teammate and his band got on the stage their was a vibe of coinfidence that the other acts did not possess. They jumped on stage as if they had to rush to be somewhere else even though it was nearing two in the morning on a Monday night. From their first song to their last they had the crowds full attention, well they certainly had mine. My teammate and his band may have borrowed concepts from N.E.R.D but in essence they had their very own style. They had remixes to newly produced songs as well as original songs that were beyond what I had expected to hear after having sat through such boring acts prior to theirs. Many of my teammates and I that were in the audience were right at the base of the stage marveling at the talent of our teammate as he sang through a voice changer. His performance was simply incredible and when they finished their fifth and final song we cheered for another song along with the rest of the audience, however, they could not because the place had to close. My teammate got off the stage and we all rushed him picked him up off the ground and hailed him as the Champ. I really admire my teammate and have great respect for him because he is so versatile, he seems to be great at everything. In a way that's the type of person and leader I want to be when I am a junior/senior. Anyway the name of the group is 'Sugar Junkie', you can look him and his band up on youtube, the videos from last week are there.

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