Sunday, November 16, 2008


This weekend was pretty eventful and a little different from a normal weekend. I attended my first Maryland basketball game against Bucknell, the first of many. Anyway I met up with two of my friends and one of their friends from out of town and we arrived at the Comcast Center, where all the home basketball games are played, just as halftime was beginning. Just as a side note I would like to add that the cheerleaders at both the football games and basketball games lack that necessary skill called dancing. OK, anyhow my friends and I, despite arriving at halftime, got seats that were only five rows above the court level and directly to the right of the hoop, we were basically on top of the players when they flew out of bounds for a loose ball. I would guess that the reason we got such good seats is because we were playing Bucknell. I mean when we got to the game at the half we were already up by more than twenty points and when the second half began the Maryland men continued to dominate them. I know many of the basketball players because we all have to go to study table together. I had not really seen any of the them play though and it was special, the team does not have just a few good players, every person that came off the bench and into the game was able to contribute something either offensively or defensively. I was impressed by how much quicker they were than even I had expected, some of the players just blew past their defenders and finished acrobatic layups at the rim. Even the new Korean player, Kim, impressed me because even at his height he had enough speed to run with the guards of the other team. I can not even explain how crazy the crowd went when Kim stepped behind the three-point line and made it look easy. We ended up winning the game by thirty points. After the game and went back to my dorm and took a nap until about 12o'clock and then went back out to meet back up with my friends who went to the game with me. They had gone to Bentley's and had thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the bar. I had to guide them back to my friends apartment in the commons where they ate the Hawaiian pizza they had gotten from domino's and then we watched family guy, one of my favorite television shows until about 4am. I was pretty much spent from the day and passed out next to my friend on her bed.
On Saturday I woke up just early enough to run home and change my cloths to go the football game. Again I met up with my friend and a teammate of mine and together we enjoyed the football game in the rain. Even though the game was good we only stayed until halftime because we were all both hungry and freezing. I just want to say that Panda Express is the most delicious fast food place that we have in Stamp and it really hit the spot after being out in the rain for so long. After we dried off my friend Ashley and I went to the mall to pick up some things and then we headed to Bentley's. Despite having to wait on the line longer than usual in the freezing cold in just a button down shirt it turned out to be one of my better Bentley experiences. At the end of the night I was exhausted from all the dancing and pushing so I headed back home all the way across campus and passed out. All in all, it was a pretty good weekend, and I can not complain.

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