Monday, November 3, 2008

Time to Elect

Finally the day has come; tomorrow is Election Day and what will be on of the most historic events in United States history. We will either have our first black president or our first female vice president. John McCain/Sarah Palin and Barack Obama/Joe Biden have been putting each other through the grinder and are fighting each other to the bitter end of their campaigns. Even today, the very day before the election, both John McCain and Barack Obama are on the campaign trail traveling from state to state trying to spread their last words of change upon us. Apparently neither of them can afford to take a break. I guess it is just as the old saying goes, "when you are not working someone else is." With the race as close it is neither of the them can afford to sit back and watch the other continue to press forward, working hard for every last vote that they can get. With all the drama surrounding the two serious presidential candidates, a third party visited the University of Maryland campus yesterday. The Independent party candidate, Ralph Nader, spoke in the Colony Ballroom in Stamp where he attempted to denounce the two-party system, but more importantly he heavily criticized Barack Obama while barely addressing John McCain. My question is why would he wait until two days before the election, knowing that he does not even remotely stand a chance against either Barack Obama or John McCain? After running as many times as Ralph Nader has for president, at some point he should have learned that the two-party system is dominant in this country, and that his campaigning two days before one of the most historic elections in history is useless.

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