Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So this past weekend I went back home to the NY, it took two cars, a bus and a train but I got there. I had to wake up at 5:20 in the morning in order to get ready so that we could be on the road to DC by 6:00am at the latest but my roommate/teammate was procrastinating and taking his time getting ready so we left out a little bit after 6:00am and were rushing when we should not have been. We were to catch a 6:30am Bolt Bus from DC to New York's Penn Station. Rushing and already behind schedule, my roommate then had us driving in circles because he was looking at the GPS upside down and by the time he realized it was past 6:30am. We got the the street where the bus was supposed to be departing from and got worried that it was not there. Fortunately for us the bus was just leaving and we were able to stop the bus before it made its turn towards the highway to New York. The bus ride was exactly four hours long from DC to New York, just as Bolt Bus advertised online. I then took the train onto Long Island where my sister was racing and thoroughly surprised my sister because she was not aware that I was coming to see her. Although she did not race particularly well I think my being there at her race eased the disappointment and she seemed happier than she usually is after she runs bad. After we left the race course we went home went out to eat and just enjoyed each others company, after all we had not seen each other in over three months. After the race and eating I was too tired to do anything else so I sleep in my own bed for the first time since leaving for school, and slept like a baby. The next morning I was back on my way to the University of Maryland, I said my goodbyes and gave hugs and kisses and was back out the door. It was almost as if I had not spent any time with my mother and sister but all in all it was a good trip home.

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