Sunday, November 16, 2008


The countdown to thanksgiving break has begun, at least for me it has. Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday point blank. For me it is all about the delicious food that my mother makes and just me being back with my family, just the three of us. I've been home once already but that did not afford me nearly enough time to really get the feeling of being back home. I mean I did not really even get an actual home cooked meal because I was not there long enough. But this time around, Thanksgiving, I am not only guaranteed a home cooked meal, but a bountiful feast. I believe that nobody does a better job at preparing a Thanksgiving dinner than my mother. Over the years whether we have stayed home or gone to a relatives house my mother has always managed to provide a part of the meal where people say "MMMM, who made this?!?" Besides that my mother also picks up recipes and ideas from other people and adds that to her repertoire. I really just can not wait to be sitting at the table over some egg nog and the feast before me. However, I know that the week ahead, the last full week before Thanksgiving break, is going to be slow and rough. Aside from the papers and test that I may have, practice this week is going to be a killer because it is right before we go home. It starts early tomorrow morning waking up at 5:30 in the morning for twelve hills at Comcast and then continues throughout the week with other workouts, not to mention weight room sessions where we will be tested to find out what our maxes are. Because I am a hurdler/sprinter I am not afforded as many days rest as some of my other teammates are. This week in particular is going to be a challenge because it looks as though I have workouts almost everyday. By the time Thanksgiving comes I may be to tired to eat. It is not that I will not get through the week, I will, it is just that I know the toll it is going to take on me when the week is done. Right now I am trying to maintain a positive outlook, and I am using Thanksgiving as factor in my motivation for this week. I am really looking forward to going home not only to see my sister and mother but some of my friends who I have not seen since we left for college. Two of my best friends were supposed to come visit, but the plans always fell through so now being home for a few days provides with ample time to see all my friends. It is going to be like a big reunion when all my friends get together during the break just to chill and hang out without the stresses of school and practice at the front of our brains. At least for some people, I know that there is studying to be done at home as well as workouts that I have to do on my own at home. This is all apart of the job I have at accomplishing my goals, and of course I will do what it takes to get there. But above all Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday given to man, we should all be grateful because I know I am.

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