Thursday, December 4, 2008

thanksgiving food

For the past month I have been talking about how excited and ready I was for Thanksgiving to finally be here. I was looking forward to the feast that usually takes place either at my house or a relatives and whenever the topic of Thanksgiving came up I let everyone know exactly what I wanted to eat. "First I want to have main plate, more like a platter filled within a little bit of turkey, rice, macaroni and cheese, string beans, collard greens, stuffing, sweet potatoes, tomato collard greens, yams, and of course the staple of my meal some honey glazed ham, as well as some cornbread slices." After that, if I had any room left I would help myself to a second plate filled with all of the same ingredients and then just relax and watch some television, probably some basketball and then later on that night I would gear up for some desert which would simply be some warm apple pie with ice cream on top. That to me would be a complete meal and a traditional Thanksgiving. However, Thanksgiving did not happy according to the way I had envisioned it. I do not really want to say that it was lame, but it was not what I had expected at all after coming home from college. Of course we had the traditional turkey, all though not my favorite thing to eat, it is an important part of my family's Thanksgiving tradition. We had stuffing, some good stuffing, some collard greens, string beans, sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese and biscuits with cranberry sauce. There were no collard greens slowly simmered in tomato sauce, and that got me down a little bit. But I have to say I was most upset that I did not have any honey glazed ham, or any ham at all. I had been talking about it with my mother for over two weeks and she did not get any ham for us to eat. All in all I guess the Thanksgiving feast was good, I mean the food that was on the table was on point I was just looking for more. On a good note however, I did end up enjoying some hot apple pie with some vanilla ice cream melting on top of it while I watched a basketball game. I am Thankful however for the food that I was able to receive and I can't thank my mother enough for all the cooking that she did. I am now looking forward to Christmas and all the good food that will be on the table there. I am not about getting presents, I do not ask for much if anything at all in recent years because times have been tough but I do want some good soulfully cooked to perfection food.

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